physiology -exams
ŃΣҖΤ VET :: منتدى فرسان الطب البيطرى :: الساحة البيطريه :: الفرقة الاولى :: second term :: physiology
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
physiology -exams
Physiol. Department 1st1 year
Physiology Exam
I- Write a brief account on : -
1-Factors affecting the binding process between the hormone and itsspecif i|c receptors.
2-Mechanism of action of hormones acting through activation of
adenylate cyclase and formation of cAMP(illustrate and give examples)
3-sodium / potassium pump(illustrate).
4-Receptor-mediated endocytosis.
5-Membrane-bound organelles (mention types and write in details about mitochondria).
6-Ion channels.
7-Apoptosis (definition and mechanism).
II- Write short notes on :-
1-Factors essential for blood formation.
2-Plasma proteins (mention types and write about their role in
regulation of blood pressure.
3-Anemia (classify and write in details about nutritional anemia)
4-Functions of monocytes and thrombocytes.
5-Function of cerebral cortex.
dr:sniper- مراقب عام
عدد الرسائل : 918
العمر : 35
الموقع :
العمل/الترفيه : طالب بطب بيطرى السادات
sms : قلب على فراش الموت
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/12/2007
ŃΣҖΤ VET :: منتدى فرسان الطب البيطرى :: الساحة البيطريه :: الفرقة الاولى :: second term :: physiology
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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